I’m in Panama and own a Massey Ferguson diesel tractor and was wondering if you can help me identify and deciphers the serial number and any other information you can provide me as colors. It was built in the UK. The serial number is SNM357708.
The first three letters in your serial number are interpreted as follows: S=Standard or Utility chassis, N=Perkins Diesel Engine, M=Dual Clutch/Live PTO.
SNM 357708, the actual number was built in 1964. See the website below.
From the information I have your tractor should be a model 35X. This would be the last of the 35s built.
Your tractor color scheme should be Massey Ferguson red tin work, hood and fenders. The chassis and wheels should be gray but I am not sure exactly which shade of Ferguson gray. The last of our USA built 35s used Massey Ferguson Flint Metallic Gray but I believe a darker shade of Ferguson gray was used on the UK produced Massey Ferguson 35s. I believe the rear wheel rims were also painted the same shade of Ferguson gray. Our USA built Ferguson 35s had silver rear wheel rims. Members of the Friends of Ferguson Heritage should be able to provide the exact paint color information.